Renga Presents The Possible Now Podcast Plus sign Apple logo Spotify logo Google logo
A podcast interview series with the people and businesses who are working towards a better future for us all.
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S01E02 Salima Visram

Salima grew up in Kenya and during her time at McGill, created The Soular Backpack - a backpack with a solar panel enabling children in East Africa to do their homework every night without the use of kerosene. Two years later, in December 2017, Salima started SAMARA with $500 and a production run of 25 bags, which sold out overnight. SAMARA is a cruelty free fashion house focusing on sustainable materials like apple leather and recycled ocean plastics, more efficient supply chains, and creating impact in the world through fashion. SAMARA is female run and led, with every purchase supporting The Soular Backpack, and in the past year, is close to selling their 100,000th bag.

Salima's approach to creating impact is very interesting. Through her experience of starting multiple businesses, she's found that the best way to create impact is by creating the best possible product.

SHOW NOTES Soular Backpacks Kotn Let My People Go Surfing